Expert Sources
Nathan Ahlgren, professor of biology (microbial ecologist); expertise in viruses, created COVID-19 data plots for Worcester, Mass.
David Hibbett — Evolutionary biology/ecology of mushroom-forming fungi and relatives; uses of phylogenetic trees for studying the evolution of morphological and ecological characters.
Climate Change/Land Use/Energy Technologies/GIS
J. Ronald Eastman – Geographic information systems, remote sensing, and cartography; director, Clark Labs; Earth Modeling blog. Recent coverage: Charting the Earth’s health (Boston Globe)
Karen Frey – Permafrost thaw on river biogeochemistry; impacts of sea ice variability; co-PI of The Polaris Project, and NASA ICESCAPE mission.
William S. Lynn — Research scientist focusing on ethics and public policy, with an emphasis on environmental discourse, human-animal relations, and participatory governance.
John C. Brown, professor of economics
Holly Dolan, Professor of Practice, Adam Institute for Urban Education and School Practice.
Emerging Adulthood
Jeffrey Arnett, developer of the theory of emerging adulthood (on development from age 18–29) — Media uses in adolescence; responses to cigarette advertising. Author: “Getting to 30: A Parent’s Guide to the Twentysomething Years” (Workman Publishing 2014); “When Will My Grown-Up Kid Grow Up?” (May 2013). Former director, Clark University Poll of Emerging Adults.
Film, movies (future of)
Soren Sorensen, lecturer in screen studies in the Visual and Performing Arts Department
Generations (Emerging Adults, Established Adults, Reimagining Adulthood)
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, senior research scholar.
Holocaust and Genocide
Thomas Kühne — Holocaust history; the relation of war, genocide, and society with long-term traditions of political culture of Central Europe; the problem of locating the Holocaust and Nazi Germany in the social and cultural history of the 20th century. Director, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Author of “Belonging and Genocide: Hitler’s Community 1918-1945” (Yale University Press)
International security, power politics, European Union/Brexit, North Korea
Michael Butler, associate professor. Expertise in international security (not only traditional ‘guns and bombs’ and power politics), negotiation and mediation (conflict management and resolution in general), humanitarian crisis, terrorism, climate change, foreign policy (U.S. and European) and European affairs, North Korea.
Latin American politics
Paul Posner, associate professor and director of Latin American and Latinx Studies. Expertise in labor politics, the politics of social welfare resource distribution, the New Left and populism in Latin America, with specific focus on Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Current research focuses on democratization and political participation in Latin America. He teaches courses on Latin-American politics, U.S.-Latin American relations, comparative environmental politics, and democratic theory.
Men’s mental health, men’s help-seeking
Michael Addis, professor of psychology, director of the Men’s Well-Being Research Group. Author of “Invisible Men: Men’s Inner Lives and the Consequences of Silence.”
Mental health (teens, young African-American men), telehealth
Nadia Ward, M.Ed, Ph.D., director of the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise.
Abbie Goldberg – Gay/lesbian parenting; adoption; the transition to parenthood; work-family issues; family diversity; gender. Author: “Lesbian and gay parents and their children: Research on the family life cycle.”
Wendy Grolnick, professor of psychology, parenting during a pandemic, motivational development in children and adolescents. Author, “Pressured Parents, Stressed-out Kids: Dealing With Competition While Raising a Successful Child”
Charles Agosta — low-temperature experimentalist working in lower-dimensional materials in very high magnetic fields. Agosta and his students developed a pulsed magnetic field lab where experiments are performed in the highest magnetic fields available at any U.S. university. Expert on electric vehicles. Agosta, as CEO of MachFlow Energy Inc., received a grant of $1 million from the Department of Energy.
Arshad Kudrolli — A broad range of non-equilibrium phenomena, granular materials, and biological physics. Active Matter
Psychology (developmental)
Nancy Budwig, professor, Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology. Expertise in developmental and learning sciences, liberal education, engaged learning in the age of online delivery.
James Córdova — Director, Center for Couples and Family Research. Author: “The Marriage Checkup: A Scientific Program for Sustaining and Strengthening Marital Health” and “The Marriage Checkup Practitioner’s Guide: Promoting Lifelong Relationship Health.”
Deborah Merrill – research focuses on relationships between parents and adult children in later life as well as marriage, expertise on mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relations, caregiving. Author: “When Your Children Marry: How Marriage Changes Relationships with Adult Children”
Syria, Middle East
Ora Szekely – Non-state military actors, the politics of the Middle East, mass violence and civilian protection, new media, propaganda, and political mobilization.
Gino DiIorio, professor of theatre
Wildfires, Drought
Dominik Kulakowski — Bark beetle outbreaks, disturbance ecology, landscape change, mountain forest ecosystems.
John Rogan — Geographer specializing in landscape ecology, fire ecology, optical remote sensing and GIScience.
Christopher Williams — Drought, terrestrial ecosystem ecology, ecosystem-climate interactions, global environmental change; energy-water-carbon exchanges.